台灣形體美容整合醫學會(TAAMS) 自成立來即致力於美容醫學的臨床教育,每個月均舉辦各類美容手術或各種治療的示範課程。每年一次的年會更是TAAMS 的年度重要活動,2015 年會,我們邀請國內外,包括美日韓中及台灣的講師群,涵蓋醫療法律、微整形及各類美容手術的範疇,必定是一場值回票價的知性饗宴。
詳閱非常感谢台湾形体美容整合医学会(TAAMS)邀请我参加 这次的大会。对于2015 年台湾形体美容外科医学会年度大会的召开,我要对主办单位表示热烈祝贺。我希望参与这次大会的各国医生们,在增广最新的美容整形知识的同时,也可以积极认识更多的医美同事们,以进行美容整形经验的分享与讨论。
詳閱Dear Dr. Chan, the president of TAAMS (Taiwan Association of Aesthetic Medicine & Surgery) Congratulations on having the 2nd annual conference of TAAMS on 22 & 23th, August, 2015.It is my great honor to make a few congratulatory remarks at this significant event. TAAMS have kept trying to contribute to the development of Taiwan cosmetic surgery...
詳閱It is my great pleasure to announce “TAAMS 2015 Annual Conference” thanks to your kind concern and encouragement. We are fortunate to have many renowned overseas speakers to share their extensive experience. They have uthored many peer review articles, book chapters and recognized with many awards and accolades.