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座長: 賴慶鴻、鄭紹隆
Time | Contents | Speaker |
07:50~08:10 | Registration | |
08:10~08:15 | Opening remark | 詹富盛 理事長 |
Session1: Special topics | ||
08:15~08:35 | Crrection of penile curvature | 王祚軒 醫師 |
08:35~08:55 | 靜脈曲張精緻治療 | 劉光益 醫師 |
08:55~09:15 | Computer Planning in Aesthetic Craniomaxillofacial and Orthognathic Surgery | 謝明吉 醫師 |
09:15~09:35 | Reconstruction of Auricular Deformities | 張 晨 醫師(中) |
09:35~10:05 | 淺談病歷,錄音及照片於醫糾之重要性 | 倪秋華 律師 |
10:05~10:20 | Coffee Break | |
10:20~10:40 | 禁止醫師給藥?─ 檢視現行醫療法規暨法律對策 | 楊惠中 律師 |
10:40~11:00 | 那些在崩壞的年代,我學到的事 | 李紹榕 律師 |
11:00~11:20 | 1.Extended SMAS dissection in Cervicofacial Rhytidectomy 2.面神經腮腺外分支和除皺術 |
王志軍 醫師(中) |
11:20~12:20 | Micro- Autologous Fat Transplantation(MAFT) for Facial Temporal Contouring: Refinement and Long-term Results | 林才民 醫師 |
12:20~13:00 | 午餐發放,場內用餐 | |
Session2: Micro-invasive procedures for rejuvenation | ||
13:00~13:20 | Facial lipoplasty with thread lift | 張光正 醫師 |
13:20~13:40 | 鼻子埋線的新發展與應用 | 吳松堃 醫師 |
13:40~14:00 | The treatment of oraofacial myofunction disorders by Botox | 黃奇卿 醫師 |
14:00~14:20 | Facial rejuvenation by microinvasive technique | 鍾金源 醫師 |
14:20~14:40 | Simple 3D Facial analysis & diagnosis in microinvasive aesthetics | 鄭文祿 醫師 |
14:40~15:00 | Tear troughs and eyebags: an innovative surgical anatomy based minimally invasive approach | 王修含 醫師 |
14:40~15:00 | Coffee Break & Group Photo | |
15:00~16:20 | Full face filler : A to Z | 李 元 醫師(韓) |
Session3: Blepharoplasty 1/2 | ||
16:20~16:40 | The uncertainty principle of the blepharoplasty | 賴慶鴻 醫師 |
16:40~17:00 | Microscopic manipulation of levator-muller complex for ptosis correction | 黃維超 醫師 |
17:00~18:00 | 1.upper bleph for Asian burden lid 2.ptosis surgery |
Woong C Choi 醫師(韓) |
18:00~18:30 | Tips of upper blepharoplasty | 姜景進 醫師(韓) |
Session4: Body contour plasty by implant ot autologous fat graft (加法體雕) | ||
18:30~18:50 | A Novel Injection Technique to Successfully Reduce Postoperative Complications in 741 Consecutive Patients Undergoing Autologous Fat Grafting for Breast Augmentation | 邱正宏 醫師 |
18:50~19:10 | Fat Grafted Breast for implant Augmentation | 張大力 醫師 |
19:10~19:30 | Intramuscular plane for gluteal augmentation | 詹本立 醫師 |
17:30 | Gala Dinner |
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座長: 許英哲、楊弘旭、張簡仕煌
Time | Contents | Speaker |
07:50~08:10 | Registration | |
Session5: Rhinoplasty | ||
08:10~08:30 | State of the art in Augmentation Rhinoplasty - from filler to operation | 邱昱勳 醫師 |
08:30~08:50 | Correction of nasal deviation and nasal hump | 韋志曄 醫師 |
08:50~09:10 | rhinoplasty combined with lip lift procedure | 許英哲 醫師 |
09:10~10:10 | 1.Shortening and Legthening of nose 2.Correction of various alar deformities |
鄭東學 醫師(韓) |
10:10~10:30 | Coffee Break | |
10:30~11:00 | Strategies in Revision Rhinoplasty for nasal deformities of silicone implantation | 張 晨 醫師(中) |
11:00~11:20 | Correction of asymmetric nostrils | 高全祥 醫師 |
Session6: Liposuction ( 減法體雕) and/or facial autologous fat graft | ||
11:20~11:40 | Fat graft and liposculpture for facial contouring and rejuvenation | 吳武璋 醫師 |
11:40~12:00 | Liposuction, dermatology-style | 王朝輝 醫師 |
12:00~12:20 | Body sculpture, surgical and non-surgical options | 周爾康 醫師 |
12:20~13:00 | 午餐發放,場內用餐 | |
13:00~13:30 | Why SAFI technique for facial rejuvenation ? | 姜景進 醫師(韓) |
Session7: Blepharoplasty 2/2 | ||
13:30~14:30 | 1.Minimally invasive options for short term and long term management of blepharoplasty complications 2.A novel technique for ptosis repair –Conjunctiva sparing mullerectomy |
Ronald Mancini 醫師(美) |
14:30~14:50 | A new strategy for lower eyelid rejuvenation - Power of Micro-Autologous Fat Transplantation (MAFT) | 黃昱豪 醫師 |
14:50~15:10 | 眼袋移位與眼袋歸位 | 高義盛 醫師 |
15:10~15:30 | Coffee Break & Group Photo | |
15:30~16:30 | 1. Anatomy of Upper and Lower Eyelids: Clinical Implications 2. Surgery for lower lid ectropion and retraction |
Hirohiko Kakizaki 醫師(日) |
16:30~17:00 | TAAMS會員大會 |